
This page is for readers of The Three Levels of Leadership or the How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again trilogy who want to download one or more of the tools they’ve read about. They are all free; you just have to register first. All tools can be viewed in the browser and directly downloaded as a PDF document.

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The Three Levels of Leadership




The Hidden Psychology of Teams

A reprint of the appendix at the end of Book 1 in the Winning Teams trilogy in which James Scouller described his Dual Forces model in detail.

Commit-Combust-Combine: The Diagram

A large version of the infinity loop diagram.

Commit-Combust-Combine: The Model

A one-page summary of the C-C-C model showing all its key elements at a glance.

Commit-Combust-Combine: Signs of Resolution

A one-page aide-memoire listing the signs telling you whether Commit, Combust or Combine is still in force or, alternatively, has been resolved.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: The Action Model Diagram

A large version of the seven-principle jigsaw diagram.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: The Action Model Tableau

A one-page tableau showing brief descriptions of each of the seven action principles.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: The 33 Action Keys

A one-page summary of the 33 action keys categorised by the seven principles, showing the 11 keys that carry extra weight.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: Motivating Purpose Worksheet

A worksheet you and your teammates can use to craft your number one goal together.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: Leader Self Reflection Questions

A tool team leaders can use to assess how well they are offering shared flexed principled leadership plus guidance on what “good” looks like.

SEVEN-PRINCIPLE (7P) MODEL: Team Ethos & Standards Questions

A set of questions you and your teammates can use to define the team’s ethos (set of values) and standards (of behaviour) plus advice in how to approach the questions.

The TeamFixer Tool: How To Use It

A two-page summary with a diagram describing how the tool works and explaining the seven-step process in applying TeamFixer right through to action planning – offers a good overview.

The TeamFixer Tool: Questionnaire A

A four-page questionnaire to help you see which of the psychological issues (Commit, Combust or Combine) is the dominant force in your team right now.

The TeamFixer Tool: Questionnaire A Scoresheet

A scoresheet for scoring your answers after using questionnaire “A” plus guidance notes (three pages).

The TeamFixer Tool: Questionnaire B COMMIT

A three-page questionnaire to be used after applying the questionnaire “A” scoresheet and finding that your dominant psychological issue is Commit.

The TeamFixer Tool: Questionnaire B COMBUST

A three-page questionnaire to be used after applying the questionnaire “A” scoresheet and finding that your dominant psychological issue is Combust.

The TeamFixer Tool: Questionnaire B COMBINE

A three-page questionnaire to be used after applying the questionnaire “A” scoresheet and finding that your dominant psychological issue is Combine.

The TeamFixer Tool: Team Action Planning

A three-page summary explaining how to take the results from whichever questionnaire “B” your team used and turn them into a team improvement plan you all agree on.

ROADMAP #1: For Existing Teams

A one-page summary for existing teams of the action keys to apply and the sequence to apply them in, with the actions split by (a) the “team as a whole” and the “team Leader only” and (b) early, middle, and later phase.

ROADMAP #2: For New Teams

A one-page summary for new teams of the action keys to apply and the sequence to apply them in, with the actions split by (a) the “team as a whole” and the “team Leader only” and (b) early, middle and later phase.

ROADMAP #3: For Existing Performance Groups

A one-page summary for existing performance groups of the action keys to apply and the sequence to apply them in, split by early, middle and later phase.

ROADMAP #4: For New Performance Groups

A one-page summary for new performance groups of the action keys to apply and the sequence to apply them in, split by early, middle and later phase.

Self-Assessment Exercise: Technical Leadership Knowledge and Skills

Designed to help you see your technical knowledge and skills learning priorities

Self-Assessment Exercise: Private Leadership Behaviours

To help you decide which private leadership behaviours you want to work on first

Self-Assessment Exercise: Public Leadership Behaviours

To help you decide which public leadership behaviours you want to work on first

4R Technique

An applied mindfulness technique to help you practise and instil new behavioural habits under pressure after you have dissolved your key limiting beliefs through self-enquiry.

Personal Mission – Vision Statement Exercise

An exercise to help you define the kind of leader you want to be, e.g. the qualities you want to express and what you want to accomplish as a leader

Values Exercise

An exercise to help you understand what matters most to you

Self-Enquiry Exercise

A daily exercise programme lasting at least 18 months to help you see and let go of powerful, previously invisible limiting beliefs.

Mindfulness Meditation Exercise

Another daily exercise, it is designed to help you move from affirming that you are a Self to experiencing that you are a Self.

Dis-identification & Centring Exercise

A daily exercise – a first step to freeing yourself from the habit of unknowingly identifying with your mind, feelings and body and bringing you into contact with your centre, your Self.