New Article for Training Journal
Posted onOne of the hottest topics in training, coaching, leadership and team building is “psychological safety”: the challenge of making it okay for all team members to feel comfortable to say what they’re really thinking and feeling. Knowing that I’d just released the How To Build Winning Teams trilogy, Training Journal asked me to write an article on the subject.
The article appeared on 23 January 2024.
Read more: New Article for Training JournalIt answered the questions, “What is psychological safety?” and “Why isn’t it more widespread?” Then it examined three things you and your teammates can do to foster psychological safety when you work together. One, team leaders can work on their psychology. Two, they can practise eight specific behaviours. Three, they and their teammates can also practise what I call “openness exercises”.
The article was titled Creating Psychological Safety In Your Teams – 3 Things You Must Do. Just click the link to access it.
It was based on content drawn from chapter 17 of book 2 of my How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again trilogy.