Article in Forbes Magazine

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Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

Forbes magazine asked me to contribute to an article titled How To Thaw The “Frozen Middle” of Management. It appeared online on 28 November 2023.

Here’s a link to it: How To Thaw The “Frozen Middle” of Management.

The author opened the article by posing this question: To succeed, organizations need their middle managers to be dynamic individuals, with an appetite for constant learning, who continually strive to inspire others. So, how can they thaw their ‘frozen middle’ if they have one?

She suggested five approaches and mine was the fourth: Create dissatisfaction with the status quo. Why not have a read and let me know your thoughts. Do you agree?

James Scouller

By the way, if you liked the “frozen” image, it was by Valentin Salja on Unsplash