
James Scouller - Authority Magazine article

Article in Authority Magazine

Here’s another magazine article from me on the subject of teambuilding that’s just come out following the release of the How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again trilogy. This one is an interview with Authority magazine, owned by They asked several interesting, unusual questions which, those who’ve read it, say makes it an.. Read More

Kirkus Reviews


Kirkus Reviews gave an award to Book #1 of my How To Build Winning Teams trilogy. Did you know? The top four book review magazines in the world are Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Library Journal and Booklist. They influence the decisions of newspaper and magazine editors, bookstore owners and buyers, and librarians around the world. Of.. Read More

James Scouller article in Training Journal on virtual and hybrid teams

Another New Post for Training Journal

In January 2024, I wrote an an article for Training Journal on how to create psychological safety in teams following release of my How To Build Winning Teams trilogy. Apparently it went down well with their readers so they asked me to write a second article. This second article came out on 22 February 2024… Read More

Difficult Conversations article in HR Future by James Scouller

New Article for HR Future Magazine

HR Future, the prestigious South African magazine, wanted an article from me on the challenge of having those awkward, difficult conversations with “problem” team members. HR Future magazine was a print magazine which is now published digitally and only available to paying subscribers as a digital magazine, not as a website available to all internet.. Read More

Psychological safety: James Scouller article

New Article for Training Journal

One of the hottest topics in training, coaching, leadership and team building is “psychological safety”: the challenge of making it okay for all team members to feel comfortable to say what they’re really thinking and feeling. Knowing that I’d just released the How To Build Winning Teams trilogy, Training Journal asked me to write an.. Read More

Common Team Building Problems and Solutions by James Scouller

New Article in Irish Tech News

Irish Tech News magazine asked me to pen an article on common team building problems (and their solutions). It appeared on 22 December 2023. The three problems were (1) Missing behaviours (2) Not enough commitment (3) Wrongly choosing to act as a team. Here’s the link to the article: Team Building, How To Build Winning.. Read More

Elite Business Article by James Scouller

New Article in Elite Business Magazine

Elite Business magazine asked me to write an article for team leaders to help them figure out what makes their teammates tick so they can be more skilful at motivating their individual colleagues. The article came out on 18 January 2024 and drew on content from Book 2 of my new trilogy, How To Build.. Read More

James Scouller artice - Apollo 13 - Fast Company magazine - shared leadership

Fast Company – Article on Apollo 13 & Shared Leadership

This is an article I wrote for Fast Company magazine about shared leadership. It explains how real teams share leadership, that they’re always not dominated by a single leader – even under the most testing conditions including emergencies… Read More

Maddyness - Pyschological Safety article

A New Article in Maddyness Magazine

An article all about creating trust and psychological safety in your team. Maddyness, the go-to magazine for entrepreneurs and innovators, which started in France and is now in the UK, asked me to write an article for their readers… Read More

How to build winning teams in 3 steps

New Article in SME Magazine

There’s only 9 days to go before release of my trilogy, How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again. Meanwhile, here’s an article I wrote for SME magazine on team building: “How to build a winning team in three steps“… Read More

James Scouller, "Why Are There So Few Teams At The Top?"

Article in People Management

As part of the countdown to the 11th January 2024 release of my trilogy, How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again, People Management magazine asked me to write an article explaining why there are so few genuine teams at the top of companies… Read More

Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

Article in Forbes Magazine

Forbes magazine asked me to contribute to an article titled How To Thaw The “Frozen Middle” of Management. It appeared online on 28 November 2023… Read More

Down to Business with Bobby Kerr

James Scouller in NEWSTALK Radio Interview

On Saturday 25 November 2023, in the run up to the release of my team building trilogy, How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again, on 11 January 2024, I was interviewed on Bobby Kerr’s Down to Business show on NewsTalk in Ireland. The fast-paced interview – which on this occasion was led by stand-in.. Read More

Life Compass

Deal with Life Compass in Egypt

Announcement of exclusive tie-up between The Scouller Partnership and Life Compass of Egypt covering 8 countries in the Middle east and North Africa… Read More

The Four Dimensions of Leadership: New Video Series

Article announcing the release of my new 10-part video series, “On The Four Dimensions of Leadership” on my YouTube channel, The Leadership Mastery Suite… Read More

The New Second Edition Has Just Been Released

A letter from James Scouller to readers of The Three Levels of Leadership announcing the release of the expanded second edition with important new ideas, models and tools… Read More