James Scouller Appearance on “The Modern Manager” Podcast
Posted onMamie Kanfer Stewart invited me to join her on her highly regarded podcast, The Modern Manager. It went live as episode #308 on YouTube, Spotify, Apple iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio and Amazon. It aired on 28 May 2024.
Mamie describes the Modern Manager podcast this way: “I interview top notch guests on a wide range of topics to help you create a workplace culture where people get to be their best selves and do their best work.”
You won’t be surprised to hear we discussed my new trilogy, How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again and addressed questions like:
- What makes a team different from other small work groups?
- Pseudo teams and performance groups – what are they?
- What a “real” team looks like in the workplace.
- How to choose the right type of work group – a real team or a performance group?
- What it takes for budding teams to navigate the three big psychological issues – Commit, Combust and Combine (3Cs).
- How to encourage people to put the team before their personal needs.
If you’re one of Mamie’s “Podcast Plus” subscribers you’ll get three pieces of bonus content:
- The Dual Forces model of team psychology and how it explains why it takes conscious effort to form and stay a team.
- Tips for helping team members create a winning blend by making behavioural shifts.
- How to craft a narrative to help your team unite and deliver better results.